Telephone pole facing your main door.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Under the landscape fengshui a telephone pole is
which is directly facing one's main door is considered inauspicious in Feng Shui.
The reason is because the main door is considered the mouth of Qi and the mouth of your house. The door is also considered the central location where external Qi
comes into the house. A narrow telephone pole directly facing the main entrance door is acting like a knife or blade slicing through your main entrance door.
In term of FengShui it is very important to protect our main door from this kind of attack.
Five elements and your health and our BaZi.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
The ancient Chinese medical physicians used the Five Elements theory to study the connections between the physiology and pathology of the organs (五脏六腑 wu zang liu fu) and the natural environment. A general designation for Chinese medicine in the human body, including the five zang 五脏 internal organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney) and six fu internal organs 六腑 (stomach, gallbladder, three visceral cavities, bladder, large intestine, small intestine).
Chart 1. Her BaZi : She lost her hearing at her very young age.
Does love at first sight exist? What our BaZi can tell?
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Do you believe in love at first sight?
In Asia approximately 60% do. And over 50% say they have experienced it.
You were walking down the street, everything was normal and then suddenly she was there and it happened that you fell in love with her at the first sight!
What is the answer? The answer is quite straight forward; it is all related to how your mind works. If you are single or currently not in a relationship then your mind will always be on a hunt for your long awaited partner. Even if you think that you don't care about relationships now still you will fall in love with the first person who matches your criteria.
Chart 1. Her love at first sight.
Is 12th December 2012 ( 12.12.12 ) a good day for getting married? Why?
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Recently I’ve lots of people asking me whether December 12th 2012 is a good day for marriage.
In any case, other than the nice and easy-to-remember repeating numbers of 12/12/12, the answer is “no”. Not according to traditional Chinese Date Selection, anyway it’s not.
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