- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - The concept of Useful God. Part 1.

Sunday, 26 December 2010

What we seek in our Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny is to assure smooth flow of Qi in a structure (provided that the it is available in the BaZi chart), the element that is best equipped to do that may then be referred to as Useful God, or Yòng Shén 用神.

Yong Shén 用神 is the most sought after god or deity in one’s BaZi chart, as opposed to the least wanted deity Jì Shén 忌神, which will instead ‘attack’ or ‘obstruct’ a life and which will be referred to as Annoying or Hostile God.

Jackie Chan and his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and his Ta Yun.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Under normal circumstances, the following applied.

“If your BaZi HAS strong wealth supported by strong roots, you will be very rich when your Ta Yun is again with strong wealth and strong support.”

“If your BaZi DOES NOT HAVE strong wealth supported by strong roots, you will NOT be very rich even when your Ta Yun has strong wealth and strong support. You will only be moderately rich or richer, not like the multi millionaire type.”

Bazi fengshui – Jackie Chan and his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny
Chart 2. His Ta Yun.

He has only 2 very weak wealth stars in his BaZi but he is very rich.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

If a person is having a strong money stars, well positioned, no clashing with nearby stars, being supported, appear at stem and have strong root and etc, this person will sure have strong wealth when the timing is right he or she is going to be very rich. But how about someone that does not have any wealth stars or having just one or two very weak wealth or money star and all are hidden? Can he be rich one day?

But our friend here is very rich. Do you want to find out who is he? Read on.

Bazi fengshui – Jackie Chan and his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny
Chart 1. His BaZi chart.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - Balance BaZi Chart. Is the BaZi really balance? Many super rich have only 3 elements.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

True enough that our favorable elements can help us obtain balance in our BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny. But in the strictest form and against the popular teachings still, it may not be amongst our most essential tasks to seek to restore balance in a Bazi chart if this only means that we were merely counting the number of elements just by way of their absence or abundance in a chart without seeing the actual affects of them in our BaZi. Now it becomes our most important and sacred task to ensure the smooth flow of “Qi” in a chart and the what would be popularily regarded balance, may then come in second.

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