- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

The over-fengshui man.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

If you are a Buddhist believer than you will understand my view on predestined wealth. In our Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny, all are mapped out nicely for us. How much money we are going to get, when and how ar all pathed. In Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny we have weak and strong daymaster. Some just cannot handle big wealth when they are not ready. There are numerous stories about lottery winners’ life got worse or even got killed after hitting the jackpot.

Money losing years from BaZi.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Everyone of us wants to make money, the more the better. When we are in our money making cycle "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle, we will make a lot more of money. However, can we be sure that our hard-earned wealth are going to stay and we will continue making money. There are many cases, many of us when we make a lot of money, we think that this is going to last forever. Never come across our mind and heart that may be one day we are going to lose all our money. If only we know when this is going to happen than we might be able to avoid this trap or money disaster.

If only he has his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny life chart with all his 90 years luck printed and stuck on his wall, he would have knew what was going to happen.

fengshui Bazi - money losing years 破财运
Chart 1. His third and fourth "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle. The third Ta Yun let him made some money and the fourth Ta Yun took his money away.

A Match Made In Heaven - Chinese Matchmaking.

Monday, 14 September 2009

In Chinese we say “緣份 yuanfen” which means “fate” or “predestination.” This is the luck from heaven by which people are brought together. The Chinese love to use this word. The Chinese love telling their friends, “我們真有緣份” which means we are means to be together and our love is predestined to be together. Sometimes, you will hear sad people saying, “我跟他沒緣份” which means “We’re not meant to be together.” when they break up.

Wealthy Ta Yun but she was not very rich. Look at her BaZi.

Monday, 7 September 2009

One the most asked question is when you find out that from you BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny that your coming, current or past "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle are are strong with your wealth stars (Ta Yun pillars with all wealth stars) but you do not seem to make a lot of money and sometime even have to struggle to meet basic needs. What are the reasons?

fengshui Bazi - millionaire luck but not rich
Chart 1. Her third "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle.
A wealthy Ta Yun but she did not become very rich.

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Feng Shui
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