FengShui at home - your home and its surroundings part 3
Monday, 25 May 2009
You may not be aware that the shape of a building can have a great influence in our lives.
Actually, whether you believe in fengshui or not, we have different feelings when we go into different shapes of buildings or houses.
Buildings designed as per FengShui principles may seem boring and old fashion but they sure energise the occupants and can in turn promote their success and well-being.
When a house is oddly shape, it will have significant effect on its occupants. The severity of the effect will in turn depend on the sectors are missing and extras.
Marriage problems and your BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny
Monday, 18 May 2009
We tend to think that only bad people have affairs or only people in bad relationships. But no one is immune from an affair.
These can happen to anyone. Can this be foreseen. In all BaZi, when certain criteria being fulfilled, you cannot run away.
She of he will appear in front of you.
They are not immune from having affairs disrupt their lives or the lives of those they care about.
Chart 2. Her second 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun"). Among the total of 10 years, love luck was strong in 6 years.
FengShui at home - your home and its surroundings part 2
Monday, 11 May 2009
House shapes can have a profound effect on the Feng Shui within its building,
either helping or impairing the well-being of the occupants.
A house needs to feel comfortable and have a restful environment.
But many times, in an attempt to make a statement or to create something unique,
architects play with the shape of the house/building and design homes that are not conducive to rest.
Rather, one feels unsettled or restless in such houses.
Have you seen in many Chinese restaurants
they provide circular tables instead of square ones because circles emits energy that is always circulating,
while squares create restful chi.
So people tend to linger longer at square tables, which is what the owners do not want, since they need more customers to walk in.
FengShui at home - your home and its surroundings part 1
Sunday, 3 May 2009
The Green Dragon and White Tiger are believed to guard the house and should be well-balance. This formation can be achieved
if both sides of the house are similar in their proportions.
If additional extensions, rooms or floors are made such that one side is much larger or wider than the other side, one animal may become to powerful and difficult to control which in turn
could effect the health and wealth of its occupants.
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