- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

She does not have spouse star. Will she able to get married? Still Ta Yun and years.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

I was recently asked by a friend of mine. She is a bit worry about her daughter. She is now 30 and still single. Never have a boyfriend and seldom go out. I told her, not all of us have spouse star in our BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny chart. I myself do not have one. I was married some twenty years ago. We are still as loving as before. We have two kids, one boy and one girl. Yes not all of us have spouse star 配偶星 "pei ou xing", BUT ALL OF US HAVE SPOUSE PALACE 夫妻宮 "fu qi gong".
Spouse Palace

20 years of good money making years is more than enough for your entire life.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

In 1981,She wanted to know her future in term of career, wealth and marriage.
She was quite sick at that time and she asked "am I going to die?"
"If I survive , will I still have my career?"
"I already gone through a very tough few years,
I am still having bad time like now, will this ever change?"
"How about my coming years?" "How about my love life?"

Bazi Four Pillars of Destiny

What is Bazi, Patt Chee or Four Pillars of Destiny

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

In recent years, the ancient Chinese metaphysic subjects such as Feng Shui and Four Pillars of Destiny (or in Chinese words 八字 Ba Zi) are capturing worlwide attention. The Chinese in ancient time has learned on how to improve their life and they created a model of human quality of life which depend on three main factors: Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Man Luck.

Various approaches to feng shui cures (1)

Monday, 5 January 2009

In Flying Star Feng Shui practice, we can take the following approach: 1. Harmonise or balance out a conflict 2. Avoid untimely star 3. Make use of your existing features and environment It is very important to avoid the untimely stars like 2,5, and 3. It is bad if we open our doors in these areas, having our master bedrooms at these places, put the kitchen or stove at these locations, which will bring problems to the occupants.

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Feng Shui
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