- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Dining areas DOs & DON'Ts

Friday, 25 January 2008

The dining area is where the membersand friends of the family gather togther for meals and conversations. It plays a quite important role in feng shui. 1. have good lightning and ventilation.2. have a large mirror on one wall. Warning: Do not put mirror facing 5 ghost sectors 五鬼. have a dining table shape as according to support your bazi. The dining area should not an open area. 2.near the main door. 3.odd shape dining table. 4.overhead beams on top across your dining table. 5.power than the entrance.

Career Success - Feng Shui Inspired Tips

Thursday, 17 January 2008

You did not get your promotion, no year end bonuses, you did not get that project and you missed winning the lottery by one number. Worst of all, your boss just informed you that should there be retrenchment, you are on the 'to--go' list. Where and whatever went wrong? You have been coming in to work early and going home very late just to finish your work. All those career and motivational seminars, talks seem to be of no use now. You just want your career to be back on the right track. Where do you start? Where is the Career life area located in the home?

Free Feng Shui tips for your children education. Study smarter not harder. Prepare them for their future.

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Education is a lifelong pursuit. We always and never stop learning and growing, even when we leave our school days far behind, working now and even after retired. "Knowledge is love,light and vision". Feng Shui can help transform average student but hard working students into high achievers. Full potentials can be released and hidden abilities discovered. Below are some Feng Shui points designed to both students working adults. Where is the Academic area located in the home?

Make new friends with Feng Shui. Get more clients and customers with these tips.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

If you have been trying all this while to meet new people and make new friends but feel frustrated with your efforts, use feng shui to help you out. You not being in harmony with friends, or not liking the where you live in, sending away a quality of energy that is conflicting with you finding new friends in the city. Then you must now unlock the Feng Shui secret of making friend. Method 1 - Find your friends or romance sector in your home.

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