Fengshui concept of time - Time Dimensions.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
The universe is by no means static and natural influences change with the passage of time. Consequently feng shui must also change over time and neither its good nor bad influences can last forever. As such, a proper feng shui theory must incorporate the element of time and should be able to trace the pattern of change over time.
Fengshui concept of the space.
Friday, 16 November 2007
According to ancient Chinese myths, 6,000 years ago, King Wen was sitting by the banks of River Luo when a giant tortoise emerged from the river. Inscribed on its huge back were circular dots of black and white markings which made up a perfect 3 X 3 nine-grid pattern also known as Magic Square, the famous Luo Shu diagram.
The Luo Shu diagram has numbers placed in the nine chambers of the Luo Shu grid, which add up to the sum of 15 either horizzontally, vertically or diagonally. The numbers in each square embraces a variety of meanings; they can represent the direction of a compass, signify an element or be attached to a trigram. The Luo Shu diagram show below is used extensively in the Compass scholl of Feng Shui.
The Eight Trigram in FengShui.
Friday, 9 November 2007
The Eight Trigram or Ba Gua, is an octagonal symbol divided into eight sectors. It comprises eight Kua grouoed around their cosmic pregenitors, Yin and Yang.
Each trigram consists of the combination of three continuous or broken lines. The broken line represent Yin and the continuous line represent Yang. Each trigram is assigned a wide variety of meanings, according to the way in which Yin and Yang lines are combined, and then apply to all posibble replationship in life. By using the two types of lines in three different positions, eight possible trigrams are formulated. These trigrams collectively represent the trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man. Each trigram has been assigned a direction, an element and the Yin or Yang characteristic.
How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 1)
Friday, 2 November 2007
Fyling Star Feng Shui is based on the concept that Feng Shui influences change over time. The stars on the Luo Shu square move according to the Age, Year, Month and Day.
The first step before setting out is to collect some background information.
Step 1 : Identify the period
Time concept
Determine the reigning period based on the year the house was completed and ready for occupation. Each period consists of 20-year span, taking a total of 180 years to complete one full cycle.
Period 6 - from 5th. Feb. 1964 to 3rd. Feb. 1984
Period 7 - from 4th. Feb. 1984 to 3rd. Feb. 2004
Period 8 - from 4th. Feb. 2004 to 3rd. Feb. 2024
Period 9 - from 4th. Feb. 2024 to 3rd. Feb. 2044
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