Main door directly facing the kitchen in Feng Shui.
Saturday, 31 March 2007
The main door to your house is the principle entry of chi entering your living space so it usually commands the attention of many feng shui masters. It is not good to have kitchen facing the main door and extremely bad if you can see ...
8 mansions Feng Shui.
Friday, 23 March 2007
In 8 mansions feng shui, all houses and property are divided into 8 sectors based on the kua from the later heaven arrangement. Each kua represent a direction in the compass with 45º per sector. It takes into consideration the sitting and facing of the house but does not take into consideration of the time dimension. 8 mansions feng shui does not regard a...
Combination of flying stars in Feng Shui.
Friday, 16 March 2007
In Feng Shui , 9 flying stars form special combinations of qi energies in the universe. Below are some important combination in Feng Shui. These Feng Shui combinations can be
1. of Mountain and Water stars,
2. of Mountain and Yearly stars, and
3. of Water and Yearly stars.
In Feng Shui, we emphasis stars to be either timely 当令时, it is always a good star even if...
What is Feng Shui Flying Star Chart? Is my house Feng Shui good?
Friday, 9 March 2007
Flying star Feng Shui charts reveal a great deal of Feng Shui of a house and house Feng Shui is keep changing. In our daily almanac it shows...
How to apply 5 elements in Feng Shui. And what to use.
Thursday, 1 March 2007
In Feng Shui these 5 elements are wood,fire,earth,metal and water.
In Feng Shui, we enhance our life using 风水布局 Feng Shui enhancements and not by displaying auspicious accessories like QiLin, Tiger, and etc. Always use natural remedies in 风水布局 Feng Shui enhancements. These 5 elements...
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