Bathroom directly facing kitchen in Feng Shui.
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
You must have heard a lot about fire and water clash; microwave oven on top of the fridge, the fridge next to your stove, your cooking stove directly opposite your washing basin and so on. All this are not fire and water clash. We have seen hundred if not thousand type of small kitchens where electrical items are either directly facing or just beside the washing basin.
How to Use Mirrors as Feng Shui Remedies.
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Mirrors are versatile, all-purpose Cure - known as the Feng Shui "Aspirin" because they are useful for so many different purposes, but when and how to use them always bring uncertainty and confusion. Here, I would like to clarify what mirrors can do for you and how to use them as feng shui remedies.
In feng shui applications, mirrors serve three basic purposes:
1. Expansion
2. Reflection
3. Deflection or repel
What is Bazi or Four Pillars of Destiny & how should it look like? It also called natal chart of birth.
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
The Chinese in ancient time has learned on how to improve their life and
they created a model of human quality of life which depend on three main factors: Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Man Luck.
Bazi or Four Pillars of Destiny is a Chinese conceptual term that describes the four components creating a person's fate or destiny .
You can consider this as a map of your life journey. We cannot choose, we cannot run away so whether we like it or not we still have to follow the path in the map.
The four components within the moment of birth are year, month, day, and time (hour). The four pillars is a component used alongside fortune telling practices such as Zi wei dou shu within the realm of Chinese Astrology.
When a person is born and takes the first breath of air, the influence of this cosmic energy on the newborn is said to map the destiny and characteristics of that particular person.
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