- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

FOUR most common things that Geomancers mislead the consumers in Feng Shui.

Monday, 25 December 2006

Presently the THREE most common things that Geomancers mislead the consumers are:-

ONE: 1. Bogus Education Qualifications
TWO: 2. Unsubstantiated Claims that clients WON "BIG" in a lottery.

Why with a little knowledge of feng shui is a dangerous thing? What to look out for?

Sunday, 17 December 2006

Anyone who takes on a title and then with their limited or wrong knowledge provides "ill advised information".

Back in the 1980's the trend was to pick up a dozen Feng Shui books: 1001 tips on Feng Shui and many happily go about on this "new hobby" of theirs;

Back in th 1990's the big "sharks" emerged as they found that they can make supernova profits out of objects which they called
them " In the mighty name of Feng Shui...."

What is Fate? What is Destiny? Does it exist? Do we determine our own path or destiny? Will our BaZi shows?

Saturday, 9 December 2006

"We were meant to be masters of destiny, not victims of fate."
Those were the words of the late Ronald Reagan, former US president.

Control our own destiny? Is it possible?

And what's the difference between "Fate" and "Destiny"?

The words "Fate" and "Destiny" are often used interchangeably at least in the modern context and therefore raise a lot of confusion to many of us.

In actual fact, there is a difference.

"Fate" is the theory that everything happens just the way it is supposed to happen and all things and events are  predetermined course of one's life that will occur beyond our control.

"Destiny", on the other hand, is a set of predetermined events within one's life that one can take control in shaping our fate.

But others say that our lives are what we make of to shape it. That if we believe that this higher power has a plan for us then by this logic if I just sit on my phat couch at home the whole time, I won't have to worry about anything cause "there's a good plan for me, I am covered".

Missing Corners and Protruding Corners in Feng Shui.

Friday, 1 December 2006

This is one of the most ask question. How to We determine a missing corner? Or does it really missing? Is missing what is the effect. You must know how to differentiate when a corner is missing and when a corner protruding. The two are very different.

1. Missing Corner.

A corner is missing when the empty area is less than half of the overall total length of the house.If the missing corner belong to a good sector likes the "Tiany Yi" wealth sector than money is difficult to retain. It will be good if the missing corner belong to bad sector likes the "Wu Gui Five Ghosts".

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