- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
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> Feng Shui > Education

BaZi: Each Ta Yun controls 10 years.

Monday, 12 November 2012
20956 viewers.

There have been some confusion regarding how many years a particular Ta Yun controls. Some said STEM controls the first 5 years and BRANCH controls the next 5 years.

Now let me show a case which can tell you the answer. I have discussed about his education in my previous article dated Tuesday, 6 November 2012.

Now let see our friend here. In order to protect his identity his BaZi is not shown.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – BaZi, Ta Yun and years
BaZi: Each Ta Yun controls 10 years.

BaZi : Ta Yun and years as one. Looking at his education luck.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012
20679 viewers.

Everyday many questions were asked based on either his or her Ta Yun alone or a particular year. The questions can be of this sort

– “I am going into my next new Ta Yun coming this 2013. What will happen? Will it be good for me?
– Will 2013 going to be a good year for me? – I am having clash with Ta Sui in 2013. What should I do?”

But frankly in order to see accurately you cannot just based on ONLY Ta Yun or ONLY a particular year or ONLY your BaZi. Even with your BaZi together with Ta Yun it is not enough.

Reading must be based on at least 6 pillars; all together at least 12 characters.

- 4 pillars from your BaZi,
- 1 pillar from your Ta Yun and
- 1 pillar from your year.

I called this

“6 pillars interaction method” 六柱較量法.

Together with combinations, transformations, clash, punish, destruct and .... you will suddenly see many many stars flying around. This is the correct way to look at one's BaZi. You can even go further by having month, day and hour pillars.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – BaZi, Ta Yun and years
BaZi : Ta Yun and years as one. Looking at his education luck.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny - Intelligent but not able to perform at school.

Monday, 10 January 2011
11877 viewers.

Everyone wishes his or her son is intelligent and willing to study. Have you come across your mind why is the reason a clever and brilliant kid is somehow not able to perform at school? There are many reasons. When he is clever which means in his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny must have certain quality that makes him intelligent. If he is intelligent why is he cannot perform or having all kind of obstacle? Once a mother of 12 years old mentioned that her daughter will just lost concentration whenever she started to do her homework.
BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny -  Intelligent but not able to perform at school.

Education or talent? Focus on weakness or strength?

Saturday, 7 November 2009
9685 viewers.

Been Asian, obviously many if not all of us still believe the foundation to a better life is a strong fundamental education. But does education really the most important things in life so that we can make more money? If you know that your son cannot study do you still force him to study? Does the young man have other talent?

There are many very successful and wealthy businessmen that actually do not have any degree, but they are more capable as compare with many others.

Bazi fengshui – education
Chart 1. His Ta Yun the 10 years luck cycles. Even without the actual education in school, the kid will be very successful.

Education or talent? Focus on weakness or strength?

Are 'Smart' Kids Born Smart? Smart kids and their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny.

Thursday, 16 July 2009
10343 viewers.

Have ever you noticed that some kids that are brilliant at school, but they do not need to study hard? They are just smart. Their concentration and memory are just perfect. Are they born with the luck? A gift from heaven?

They was a boy that always spent a few hours a day in front of his computer or playstation. He was doing the same routine even when his examination was drawing near. He did study but with minimum efforts. His mother doesn't seem worried. I asked her and guest what was the answer. "Let fate take its own course". When the result came out, he scored straight A's.

Bazi - four pillars of destiny for smart kids
Chart 2. Her first two "10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun"). An excellent study luck.

Children education problems and their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009
9378 viewers.

A person even though academically inclined or talented may been forced to leave school prematurely. This could be due to a lackluster luck cycle or lack of moral or financial support from their parents. BaZi can reveal the most appropriate period with canny accuracy for a person wanting to know the right timing to pursue higher education missed earlier. However, ignorance of the existence of luck cycles in a person's life may cause him to make wrong decisions that may adversely change the course of his life..

 Bazi - Children education
Chart 2. Her first 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun") is a disaster education period, but...
Children education problems and their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny.

Children education and their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny

Wednesday, 24 June 2009
9694 viewers.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny can be used as an indicator to reveal your children aptitude or inclination towards education. BaZi shows whether a child is able to complete his or her education. It can also use to choose a best timing for education. For example if one has missed an earlier opportunity to pursue their education, he or she can look at his education and good luck period to choose the best period for furthering his/her study.

 Bazi - Children education
Chart 2. His second 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun"). A good education period.
Children education and their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny

Note : At any one time, only the first 50 articles were displayed. There are more in our Archives.

Sunday, 9 June 2024
五月 初四
Inauspicious Inauspicious
"Kai 開   Open"  JiaChen 甲辰  day
• Marriage both for legal registration and for religious ceremony
• Signing agreements commercial in nature and less obligation
• Signing agreements that is more on your abligations or responsibilities
• Signing an agreement that will span a long duration or finalise something permanently
• Signing any legal settlement
• Move into a new house
• Groundbreaking
• Seeking medical treatment
• Starting a new job or assuming a new position
• House warming
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me.
Today's Gods and Killings 神煞

Heavenly Success 天成 star rule the day. But this day contain killing qi and try to avoid any major activities.

Today's Four Pillars of Destiny
  Hour   Day   Month   Year



Today's Flying Star
Month's Flying Star
Year's Flying Star
White Earth star
Current prosperity star
White water star
Green Wood star
Disputes and Conflicts
Day Flying Stars chart
Month Flying Stars chart
Year Flying Stars chart
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
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