- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Will I become a millionaire in 2012? can I be rich?

Sunday, 23 August 2009


Today is 1 January 2012. I wish everybody a wonderful and happy New Year, with love, health and prosperity!!

Another year has passed. Everyone of us wishes that this new 2012 year will make us rich. Do not be too greedy. One million bucks will do as least enough for the beginning. Do you believe in lucky millionaire? Or too be more precise a millionaire was born with certain criteria that will make them a millionaire. The true is they were born with certain combinations which provided them with the correct attidude and mindset plus with their intelligent and determination for their success.

You may just wish that you have a million bucks, or you may be an aspiring young professional who wants to know that you wil make the million dollars. Or do you wonder sometime that if you are on the right path, having the right job, making the right kind of money. They are many ways to make tons of money like win the lottery (without a doubt, this is the quickest way to become a millionaire), stay as a croporate slave, marry rich, investing in diversified index funds and so on.

For those who know "Zi Ping 子平" or the study of BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny, they know that each BaZi have the quality of Qi from the Wealth Stars. This Qi can be none, weak or strong. Together with our "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle, we see how this Wealth Qi become when their wealth stars interact with others stars. The wealth stars can be enhanced, be combined, go through transformation to become another type of star and so on. Based on the outcome, we can conclude your wealth luck at certain Ta Yun. The same apply for a specific year.

Question 1. When I can make more money? In 2012?
The anwser is when a particular year are full of your wealth stars, your wealth stars are strong, with strong foundations, no batttling with other stars, no injury and etc. For example, if you are a strong daymaster 日元旺格, and in 2012, you have both "Direct wealth" Zheng-cai 正财 and "Indirect wealth" Pian-cai 偏财 (which are your wealth stars) appear at the 2012 year pillar, then 2012 will be your more money making year.

To be exact, using BaZi and according to Chinese Solar Calendar, 2012 only start from 4 Feb 2012.

Question 2. How much can I make?
This will depend on the strength of your wealth stars. If your BaZi is having strong wealth stars and your "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle's pillar and 2012's pillar are also having your wealth stars and your wealth stars are very strong, then becoming a very rich man in 2012 will become a reality. If you BaZi is having stars that suppress and exhausted your wealth stars, money will still come but no much you can save.

Or even worse, if in 2012 your wealth stars combine with other stars and become another type of star. If this is your case, you will still see your money but not for long.

Question 3. If I making a lot of money in 2012, how long can I continuously making a lot of money?
To answer this question, you will have to see where your wealth stars are situated. If your wealth stars are in your Ta Yun and you are at the first year of the Ta Yun, then it will last for 10 years. If your wealth stars only appear in 2012, then it will only last for one year.

Question 4. Should I use FengShui to boost up my wealth luck?
No harm trying. But if you fulfill all the above conditions for a rcih man in 2012, you do not need any fengshui booster. But only a very minority fulfill all the conditions, so fengshui is still needed to boost wealth luck for those no-so-lucky ones.

Now let me select an example. He is a weak daymaster.

feng shui Bazi - millionaire luck in 2012
Chart 1. His sixth "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle. A millionaire Ta Yun.

About his sixth Ta Yun.

1. His sixth Ta Yun started from 2003. This is his rich man luck . Rich for how long? Each Ta Yun has 10 years so this will last for 10 years.

2. He will make a lot of money during this Ta Yun. His first million came in 2007.

3. His next Ta Yun is also very good. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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