- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

What is Fate? What is Destiny? Does it exist? Do we determine our own path or destiny? Will our BaZi shows?

Saturday, 9 December 2006


"We were meant to be masters of destiny, not victims of fate."
Those were the words of the late Ronald Reagan, former US president.

Control our own destiny? Is it possible?

And what's the difference between "Fate" and "Destiny"?

The words "Fate" and "Destiny" are often used interchangeably at least in the modern context and therefore raise a lot of confusion to many of us.

In actual fact, there is a difference.

"Fate" is the theory that everything happens just the way it is supposed to happen and all things and events are  predetermined course of one's life that will occur beyond our control.

"Destiny", on the other hand, is a set of predetermined events within one's life that one can take control in shaping our fate.

But others say that our lives are what we make of to shape it. That if we believe that this higher power has a plan for us then by this logic if I just sit on my phat couch at home the whole time, I won't have to worry about anything cause "there's a good plan for me, I am covered".

Or do we have to work towards this great plan that instore for us. But how can you? We don't know what the plan is. All we can do is make a decent living and hope for the best.

In the beginning some twenty plus years ago, I refuse to believe there's a plan for me. I like to think that I have control over my own actions. Yes, this is true but not the whole true. If I were to do something it's because I am reacting to an instance or situation and not because my path has been plotted for me to do that. We have been given the gift of free thinking. I would hate to think that my thinking capabilities has really been programmed this way for me to believe that I am actually making my own decisions when I'm not. This would be cruel.

Now, after seeing a lot, I believe there is actually a plan for of us. But how it take shape will again depend on us.

Some minority of people once they know their luck is exceleent they just do not perform at all hoping luck will come to him. And some when they know the luck is bad, they also do not want to work and wait for the doom day to come. This is really sad.

If I have a cookie in one hand and an onion in the other and I hold both hands out to my little daughter and tell him to choose - I know which one he is going to choose. When Heaven gives us free will and tells us to choose, Heaven knows what our choices will be. But that doesn't mean we do not have the freedom to make the choice. He still gives us the freedom to choose. Afterall, that is the purpose of life - to choose.

Do we actually know what is the plan. Yes we do.

In the study of Chinese Metaphysics, the ancient wisdom believed that the universe is made up of Heaven, Earth and Man, which they called the Cosmic Trinity. Each element of the Cosmic Trinity controls or exerts an influence equivalent to 33.3%. Our life path  and a certain degree of our fortunes are set out by Heaven, the environment (Earth) of Feng Shui magnifies our fortunes or luck, but Man's own action or inaction is what makes an outcome swing either way.

Therefore, a person with limited capacity will achieve much success if he puts in the hard work and have a positive attitude. But the individual with the capacity to do great things may squander his or her potential if no action was taken.

So, how can you find out about your capacity, your limitations and potential?
The simplest - and fastest - way: BaZi, Four Pillars of Destiny which is Destiny and Personality Analysis under Chinese Astrology. The good news is you can easily get your BaZi decoded and to help bring awareness to yourself and use that information to push you towards a path of least resistance to your success and happiness.

Take one example. if you know that your son or daughter is very brilliant and intelligent but during the first 20 years of his/her life, he/she is lacking od study luck and will face obstacles) , then as parent, you will have to focus more and spend much more times with your child.  Obstacles can be in many forms for example, health or money issue, family always on the move, the characteristic of your child and so on.

Cheers and have a blessed day ahead - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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