- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Where your prosperity comes from? Produce and suppress 生剋为用

Wednesday, 3 June 2020


Your prosperity does not come from your Useful Ten Gods 喜用神 and favorable Ten Gods 喜神 . It comes from the produce and support of your Useful Ten Gods 喜用神 and favorable Ten Gods 喜神 - 何知其人吉,喜神为辅弼. It is not merely seeing your Useful Ten Gods 喜用神 and favorable Ten Gods 喜神 you will prosper, indeed it can be bad when they are hurt.

You must use produce and suppress 生剋为用 to read your prosperity.

This week, let’s take a look into a BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny to see how the process of produce and suppress should be carried out.

Now let’s look at his chart. He was born in 1931.

Prosperity 八字 BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny Patt Chee

Weak 甲 Jia wood daymaster, wood 劫比 was his wealth, his favorable Ten Gods 喜神 and water 印卩 was his Useful Ten Gods 喜用神.

1958 丁亥 TaYun

1958 丁亥 TaYun, a water TaYun and as water produces wood, this should have been his wealthy TaYun but he was not rich. In order to prosper, his wealth wood, 劫比 must have support from water. 丁 combined 壬 took away his 壬 water, his Useful Ten Gods 喜用神 and 亥 combined 寅, 亥 water was exhausted. Without strong water, wood will not prosper.

This is how we use produce and suppress 生剋为用.

1988 Jia 甲申 TaYun

1988 Jia 甲申 TaYun was a wood TaYun when his wealth 劫比 revealed. Would he be rich? You need to use produce and suppress 生剋 to find the answer.

For my fellow students.
There was a hidden problem in his chart. 凶物深藏,成養虎之患. Can you see the hidden problem? This hidden problem broke his chart in his water TaYun,when his Useful Ten Gods 喜用神 revealed. Again you will need to use produce and suppress 生剋 to find the TaYun and the year he died. He succumbed to cancer.

If this chart belong to a girl, she would not have lived beyond 1967, age 36.

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