- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

How to apply 5 elements in Feng Shui. And what to use.

Thursday, 1 March 2007


The 5 elements

In Feng Shui, we enhance our life using 风水布局 and not by displaying auspicious accessories like QiLin, Tiger, and etc. Always use natural remedies in 风水布局 . These 5 elements remedies are easily accessible in our daily life and most of these items are quite familiar to you, too. Just look around and pay extra attention to your surrounding and you are on your way enhancing your life.

Below are all that you need and always more than sufficient. You can get these from any places convenience to you.

Wood 木
Numbers 3 and 4. East and South East sectors. Reresented by any plants and green color.

Fire 火
Number 9. South sector. Represented by purple, pink or red stuff for example red packets, any electrical items that emit heat (eg oven and stove).

Earth 土
Number 8, 2 and 5. North East, South West and the Center sectors. Represented by stones or rocks, yellow, brown and milky color. We are not using 2 and 5 as the numbers of items.

Metal 金
Numbers 6 and 7. West and North West sectors. Represented by brass coins, music box, windchimes, mechanical clock, white, gold and silver color.

water 水
Number 1. North sector. Represented by just a glass of water, black, gray and blue color and some electrical item for example fridge.

In modern days there are many new so called new "feng shui remedies" appearing every day. There are all representing the same thing ie. the above mentioned 5 elements.

A lot of people think that auspicious stuff will bring good feng shui but this is not the case. Auspicious has nothing to do with feng shui. If auspicious is feng shui, Ching dynasty will not collapsed as their emperor put a lot of auspicious stuff in the Forbidden City in Beijing. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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