- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Common mistakes in reading your wealth luck in BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny

Saturday, 28 March 2009


Almost everytime without exception, in my BaZi readings, everyone asks about “how is my wealth luck?” or “when can I be rich?“ Yet the topic on wealth is quite confusing for all especially to beginners.

The followings are some common misconceptions:

1. The more wealth star in your chart, the more wealthier you will be. Equating the number of wealth elements in your chart to the level of wealth that the owner will have.

2. Together with point 1., assuming when you see wealth stars in your annual or 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun") will always bring in wealth.

3. If you are lucky and assuming the BaZi reading is correct and indeed you are running your wealth luck, you think you do not need to work and money will fall from the sky.

4. When you have a wealth luck coming, your indeed seen money coming and spend all with nothing or little left.

5. If you do not see wealth stars for the coming few years, you assumed by either way (work or not work) you will not have money and therefore you do not want to work.

BaZi reading context are all with “conditions“. If the condition is wrong the the prediction can go haywire.

Point 1 and point 2 are only correct if your are strong daymaster. If you are weak daymaster, the more the wealth stars the more poorer you become. More wealth stars also means more sickness 財多身弱.

For strong daymaster 旺格, "Direct wealth" Zheng-cai 正财 and "Indirect wealth" Pian-cai 偏财 are your wealth.
For weak daymaster 弱格. , "Rob wealth" Jie-cai 劫财 and "Friends" Bi-jian 比肩 are your wealth.

Whether you enjoy good wealth or not will depend on the strength of your wealth stars, any clashes, taken away by combination, injured by their enemies... All these can happen at your BaZi chart, at your 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun") and in a particular year.

If you are a weak daymaster and someone told you that you are runnning a strong "wealth" period, and can go all the way in your stock or gambling endeavor, and you do just that. What will be the consequence? You might end up killing him.

Therefore, I would like to remind all readers that the most important part of BaZi reading is to determine the strength of the Daymaster 日元. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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