- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

BaZi of a famous and rich man : The importance of combinations and transformations. Part 2 of 2.

Saturday, 29 October 2011


In the first part, when we ignored the combinations and transformations in the BaZi or Four Pillars of destiny, the BaZi quality contradicted to what actually happen. The BaZi is no longer support a rich man luck.

Now let me show you what it look like after the combinations.

feng shui Bazi profiling the rich and famous
Chart 1. His BaZi after combination and transformation.

1. After the combinations and transformation, his BaZi only left with two type Ten gods that is "Hurting officer" Shang-guan 伤官 (伤) and "Indirect wealth" Pian-cai 偏财 (才).

2. His recognition stars and wealth stars are very strong.

3. His wealth stars are all very well protected.

"All his Ten Gods 十神 "xi shen" become his auspicious stars or useful gods. "

His is prosperous and healthy and he is now 72. This is another proof that you do not need all the 5 elements, a balance BaZi in order to be wealthy and healthy. But you do need an auspicious chart with strong useful gods plus good Ta Yuns.

feng shui Bazi profiling the rich and famous
Chart 2. His ta Yun after combinations and transformations.

1. His fourth, fifth and sixth Ta Yun were all having strong wealth or produced strong money luck.

2. His fifth Ta Yun was combined and transformed into wealth.

3. Even his seventh and eight Ta Yun are either "Rob wealth" Jie-cai 劫财 (劫) or "Friends" Bi-jian 比肩 (比) but again they are both producing his money stars.

Mr. Tsai Lan (Chua Lam) 蔡澜 is very famous especailly in Asia. he is very rich too. This is what I called “Heaven’s luck” 褔自天來. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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