- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

BaZi: Heavy financial loss - Can this be avoided? Am I destined to lose my money?

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


When you have some money to spare you want to make more money. You want to invest in order for your money to grow but it is very important to check whether you are running your luck. There were many occasion, a lot of people only found out that they should not have invested their hard earned money in certain years when their money losing stars were very strong. Or you called this "Fate" and they were destined to lose their money? Can losing money be avoided?

Now let me look at our friend here.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – Financial loses
Chart 1. His BaZi.

1. He does not have any wealth stars in his chart.

2. If wealth stars appear in his Ta Yun and/or year money will still come.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny –Financial loses
Chart 2. His third and fourth Ta Yun.

1. In his third Ta Yun, his wealth star revealed.

2. He will make some money in his third Ta Yun.

3. In his fourth Ta Yun, his money star also revealed. But his wealth star was combined and became another star.

4. Money will still come, stayed for a while and they were gone.

5. In 1998, when his money spending stars were very strong, he lost 600 thousand dollars in his business venture.

6. In 2002, when his money spending stars were again quite strong, he lost 400 thousand in gambling.

Was he destined to lose his money? If he was aware that it was coming, do you think he can change the outcomes? Nothing was absolute but one thing for sure, the temptation and desire was very strong in this two years. Even he was aware, he might still want to “gamble” but he might have lost lesser.

Ask yourself the question - Am I destined to lose my money? - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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