- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

BaZi Authority, Power, and Legitimacy : '7 killings' Qi-sha formation.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Have you ever wondered why some people have all the authority and power? What it takes to become a leader where you can have the power the ability to get things done and to enforce the collective will of some group over others? Legitimacy is a socially constructed and psychologically accepted right to exercise power. Is there something very unique or special about their BaZi or Four Pillars of Destiny?

Yes, their BaZi must be unique and have what we called authority formation. If you do not have this authority formation can you still be a leader? Then you have to see your luck cycle. If your luck cycle aka Ta Yun provide the authority frame you can still be a leader but once the cycle is over your term will end.

Now let take an example. She was Legislative Councillor and Civic Party leader in HongKong.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – Authority, Power, and Legitimacy” title=
Chart 1. Her BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny. 七殺格 "7 killings" Qi-sha authority formation..

1. She is a weak wood day master.

2. For her, her authority stars are "7 killings" Qi-sha 七杀 (杀) -- power/status, unbecoming power, unbecoming discipline.

3. "7 killings" Qi-sha 七杀 (杀) stars are her favorable stars. This is very important.

4. Out of the full 8 characters in her BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny Natal chart, not one or two BUT she has 6 authority stars.

5. She is destined to be a lawyer and a leader with authority and power.

Now it is not enough to tell a customer that he or she is going to be a leader but we need to tell him when it is going to happen.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny – Authority, Power, and Legitimacy” title=
Chart 1. Her fourth Ta Yun and when she was in power.

1. In her fourth Ta Yun, her authority stars were further enhanced. She will join politic and become a leader in this Ta Yun. Now which year?

2. In 2000, her authority stars were again being enhanced and sitting on strong power formation.

3. She officially assumed office in 10 December 2000.

This is what I called destiny and she destined to be in power. She was in office until early 2011. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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