- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Feng Shui - real estate luck (Feng Shui)

Mercy Campoverde
Member since 17/8/2011

Dear Master Peter,

My husband and I have been house hunting for a long time now (1yr) and we are not finding a good FS house.  I was told in order to find a good FS house one must have real estate luck and I need to enhance my house with FS to find right house.  Please enlighten me as I am a bit confused by this.

 It seems that everytime we find something we like it is snapped up by others or I find houses we like but are NW1 which are not good.

My husband is Kua 6 and I am Kua 2 so NW direction would be ok for us if only they were nw2 or 3.

Any guidance you give us will be appreciated.

Thank you Master.


Master Peter

You just need to know what to look for.

You are making a big mistake here, we do not use personal Kua to find a good house. We use House kua. Personal kus is about direction and house kua is about location. Find a house based on House Kua and you still can choose your best personal  FACING direction based on personal Kua.


Mercy Campoverde

Thank you Master for your guidance!


Master Peter

You are welcome.

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