- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

facing direction fm garage door, S3, 200 degrees, (Feng Shui)

Member since 17/2/2011

Hello Peter,

I measured the facing direction if from front door, it  is 110 degrees, E3 wiht 3 stars. And, I measured from the white sliding garage door (see in the picture), then its facing direction is 200 degrees, S3 with 3.5 stars.  I think to use S3, 200 degrees as the house facing direction because it is 3.5 stars.  Once I drive in the garage, there is a side door from garage going to the living room. from this door, I measured it is 108 degrees, same as E3. I read your some question forums. You said garage is part of inside house FS as it is inside space so I think it is ok to use S3, 200 degrees as facing direction. However, the door in garage I have to use to go into the living room is E3, 108 degree same as front entrance.  Can I use S3, 200 degree as facing direction and use its flying star chart to plot the house FS?  I also concerned 110 degrees at E3 is  2.6 degrees from SE1 , 1 star in period 8. If it is happened that  there is 2.6 degrees error I measured.  My house will be facing SE1 if I use front door as facing direction.  So I think to use S3 (from sliding  garage door) as facing direction to plot the house FS? Is my thinking correct?

The following pictures you can see the writting arrow on left is for front door. It looks like the front door is behind the tree. Actually, it is not. It is the picture angle.  The arrow on the right with nice drawing arrow shape shows where the side door to the living room in the garage. Sorry I didn't have this door taken inside the garage. Hope you can understand by looking at the pictures.

The other question is do you think that tree on the front drive way ok when I open the garage door?

Thanks for your help.



Master Peter

From what you have descrive here, it is alright to use the S3. However,  you must use the door more often.

And for the tree, looking at the picture, it does  not seem to post any damage or sha.


* Amended on 20/6/2011 at 03:35am

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Feng Shui
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