- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2011 Fen Shui application questions (Feng Shui)

train hoho2 28/1/2011 

Dear Master Peter,

I have the following questions about applying 2011 feng shui, please help me to anser these questions:

1. Tai Sui in East is in a bedroom nobody lives there but stores clothes. I think it is ok as long as I don't disturb it. However, downstairs underneath  this room is a garage. We have to open the garage door to get in and out  every day (it is eletronic door). Is that ok? Does that cause distrubance?

In addition, #5 is here in the garage, I will put a glass of water and music box. However, I wonder if musical box effect will be taken away by opening the garage door every day? Can I put a gray carpet and put a piece brass underneath it right in the garage area where I enter into and get out of my living room (my house)? I mean we use the garage rather than use front door to get in and out.

2. Sui Pao and 3 killings are in West which is my kitchen. I have to cook every day. Will it cause disturbance for 3 killings? What else should I do to avoid these two bad chis?

3. Enhance relationship luck in 2011

You suggested to put a glass of water and music in Northeast, and a piggy bank (?) in Northwest. My question is 1) relationship luck is same as networking. Meaning if I want to enhance networking luck, I should just following the above suggestions? 2) In your website, the arrangement is showed with a picture of piggy bank in Northwest. Do you mean to use "a piggy bank" or "a statue of pig"? If it is a piggy bank, can I use the clear plastic piggy bank? In what color or any color?



Train hoho2

Master Peter

Dear Julia,

1. Digging is consider disturbing "Tai Sui" but opening and closing door is not. And again the door will not effect your cure for #5.

2. Normal house works will not effect these.

3. "Piggy bank", "staue of piggy" will have the same meaning here. As well as plastc piggy bank.

Cheers, Peter

train hoho2

Hi Master Peter,

Thanks very much for your help. They help me a lot and make me feel much better.

Best regards,

Train hoho2

train hoho2

Hi Master Peter,

Regarding to networking FS arrangement, I have one more question to confirm with you. My question might be silly. I am curious why have to use the animal  shape of "Pig" ? Can I use different shape of animal container such as cow, etc. that is used to store money? Also, if I don't use piggy bank (pig shape of money container), can I use a picture of pig instead?


Train hoho2


train hoho2

Dear Master Peter,

Regarding question 1 :

#5 in East  is right in both  a bedroom upstairs and a garage downstairs of my house. Just want to double confirm with you if I still have to play musical box a few times a day at the garage even though I would have played in the bedroom upstairs. Both places are in East section.

If I put windchime, should I play it a few times to make sounds or just hang it in garage.

Best regards,

Train hoho2



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