- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Business Boom for Year 2011 (Feng Shui)

Gabriel Cayetano
Member since 15/1/2011


On the Feng shui Enhancement Section. I have a question regarding the "Business Boom for Year 2011". There was a placement of a glass of water for the NorthWest Sector. Can you please tell me what item is inside the glass?? Are they chinese coins?? or Stones?? Can you also please tell me how many coins or stones that I need to put inside the glass of water??

I am in sales and would like to increase my business and be successful. I was born the year of the dragon, 1964. My house is facing North. I have been struggling in relates to work whether in sales or not. But I really like sales specially my current job as I already know the products and services.

By the way Master. I work for a Title Company selling Title and Escrow services to Banking Institutions, Real Estate Companies, Loan Mortgage Companies and Real Estate Investors. I got burn by an old partner where I help him and his team to come in to a company that I used to work. I also help build the accounts needed as their promise of following accounts did not materialize. I showed how to prospect and what to say. But to make it short. I wind up leaving and starting from the ground up. I am building my client base again. But in need to build more bigger clients.

Thank you for your advice Master!



Master Peter

1 black stone in a glass of water.

And based on the given limited information and as  this is a free forum I cannot go into further regarding your house's feng shui or your life destiny. Hope you understand.

Cheers, Peter

* Amended on 17/1/2011 at 19:32pm

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