- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Lucky bamboos

train hoho2 9/6/2009 
Hi Master Peter,

Thanks for your previous answer about my questions on the topic of enhancing career.

It seems my internet has the problem with your server. When I try to post new topic or do post-reply every time, the reply form is shown "server error" with 404 - file or director is not found. I can click on the "blank document" to post new message, however, I can't do post-reply under the the same topic. So you will see I have a blank document to reply on the topic of "article for enhancing career".  I was trying to do post-reply but it can't work successfully instead of sending you the blank document. Hopefully you don't mind. I will have go figure out how to do post-reply under the same topic.

My south sector has water star 1 and 2009 yearly star 4 is here.  Should I place a glass of water and lucky bamboos here year long no matter what each monthly star is in this sector? If so, will it has conflict with any monthly star?

To respond to your suggestion on lucky bamboos, could you please explain why it is better not to use soil? In the beginning, I didn't know what lucky bamboos are supposed to be. I ask other people from other website. They said it is better to grow in the soil. I am confused now. Please explain.
For example, if the yearly 4 in south this year, I use lucky bamboos which are planted in soil. In addition to this,  I place a glass of water in the same sector. So south will have bamboo and water. Does that equal to lucky bamboos growing in the water? Is that another alternative to do?
p.s. should the set of lucky bamboos have 4 stalks of bamboos? Just want to double check.

Star 9 celebration is enhanced with 4 lucky bamboos and a plant with large leafs. Should the set of lucky bamboos here have to grow in the water too? Or Is it ok to grow in soil? Please suggest.

Thank you.

Train hoho2

Master Peter


Whether you want to water, lucky bamboos the whole year is all depend on what you want to gain and want you want to avoid. For example, if you want to achieve academic excellence you put a glass of water at your south sector the whole year. If you are afraid of gossip you might want to remove the water during the lunar month 7 when Star 3 arrive at the South.

You must always remember that you want to have the 1,4 combination. It doesn't matter if the bamboos is in water or soil. But I personnaly prefer planting them in water as it look nicer plus water produces wood. It wil further enhance star 1 or 4 and at the same time we have the combination of 1 and 4.

For Star 9, use soil instead of water.


train hoho2

Hi Master Peter,

Thanks for your quick reply.

In regard to star 3 gossip when it's flying into south in Lunar Month 7, I have the following questions.

1. If we place water here in South, we need to remove water to avoid gossip in the Lunar July. If we don't move water but place two red objects or some pink packets here, is it good enough to avoid gossip?
2. If the lucky bamboos are planted in the water for this sector to enhance career, should I remove the these lucky bamboos from the water and grow them in soil instead to get rid of the water so I can avoid gossip?
3. If we plant bamboos in the soil, we still need to water them regularly. Is it like to have 1/4 at the same time but the effect is less? (less effective than when they grow in the water?)?

Best regards,

train hoho2

* Amended on 10/6/2009 at 01:54am

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