- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui


michelle doughty
Member since 12/7/2009

Hi  All the best for the new year

Can i please ask with the new year 2010 do i still place my monthly and yearly stars in the same place front door direction north west 300, which makes my home bad house but have placed my feng shui items according to your yearly and monthly stars is this correct please.

Career i have taken away the bamboo and glass of water after being employed for 6 months and settled in but things are not too good at work what can i do please birth date 18/03/1966.

Could you also please advise me my two children have moved back home with my youngest son 30/11/96 and my eldest son 28/08/84 how will this effect them living at my home and how do i place my items the same as normal as i am the adult of the home, also having difficulties at work what can i place to improve staff communications please as i am the manager but having problems with 2 staff members making my life not very good at work.

Also i have a young puppy at my home how will this effect my feng shui please

Hope you can help me



Thank you very much

My home north west 300 front door and missing west section were i have placed mirror to bring back west do i still place monthly and yearly stars in this sector or leave empty

Master Peter

Answer to the 1st q : yes.

for career use

about your questions about your children, is too general for me to answer. Puppy should not bring any effect as long as long they are healthty and well taken care.

Leave it empty for the missing sector.


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Feng Shui
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