- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

How to Save a Marriage from Bazi's reading? (Bazi)

Member since 1/5/2021

Dear all,

I am a man, born in Padang City, West Sumatra, Indonesia (GMT +7) on 18 September 198* 02:00 a.m. I've had a lot of ups and downs in life. My study was failed, and I lived unemployed until 2012. On 17 June 2012, I had a terrible blow in my life, when my mother passed away (born 14 December 195* - GMT +7), which was a traumatic experience.

I got married on 25 November 2017, to a 17-year-old woman (born 10 June 200*, birth time may be between 4-6 am in Makassar, Indonesia GMT +8). Our introduction took place very quickly because I was arranged by a friend. We met on November 4, 2017, I proposed on November 10, 2017, and got married on November 25, 2017.

My marriage later proved to be hell. My parents-in-law, especially my mother-in-law, hoped that this marriage would provide financial benefits for them, and just after two months of marriage (end of January 2018) my wife left me for the first time, and finally, I was forced to live with my parents-in-law's house. My first child, a girl, was born on September 15 2018 at 18:54 in Makassar (GMT +8).

My wife is very dependent on her parents, however, a year later, she agreed to move with me to our own house around March 2019. At that time, there was an incident where my mother-in-law insulted me in front of the crowd and cursed my wife, her daughter because I brought my electronic equipment to the new home. my parents-in-law were displeased because they thought the items should have been given to them. My wife was run away once because her parents kept pressuring my wife to give them some money to pay the debt (which I finally paid off). My wife comes back to me and I know she loves me.

I then decided to change jobs again to get away from my parents-in-law's terror, so that my wife would not come under her family pressure. We live happily on Bali Island since April 2020. But recently, when on February 10, 2021, I took my wife to visit Makassar, the city where my parents-in-law live, with the intention that my wife can let go of homesickness, unexpectedly my wife decided not to return home with me, and she takes our daughters with her. There was a commotion on February 13, 2021, and finally, I gave up and decided to go back to Bali by myself.

She is working in her hometown now, in the way she thinks she can support our daughter while meeting the financial demands of her mother. She doesn't fill the divorce yet, although she told me many times if she plans to do it.

As an amateur reader, I can't see a very clear sign for divorce this year, both from my chart and her chart. However, I have no illusions and felt difficult to save our marriage. Any advice, how to bring back her and my daughter would be very appreciated. I felt indecisive now and wasting my time with sorrow every single day, so any advice to show me if my wife has been on irreparable harm due to her clash/destruction on her chart also will be appreciated to let me move on and leaving our daughter to fate.

Thanks in advance for all of your kind advice to me.

Peter Yap

The problem mainly come from her BaZi. There is not much you can do. You need to move on. She will struggle to support your daughter or leave it to fate.


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