- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

No Job (Bazi)

Member since 5/3/2013

Master, I am a female, DOB at  17 Aug 1974. I have been out of a job for over a month now. Getting worried as sent many resumes but hardly any interviews. How long will this go on? Thanks.

Peter Yap

Hello Suzanne,

I remembered you. I did your BaZi if I remember correctly was in 2014.

In 2018, there are petty people 小人trying to sabotage your career especially from 07/08/2018 -- 08/09/2018 庚 申 month and 08/09/2018 -- 08/10/2018辛 酉 months.Getting a new job can be tough in these couple of months but you must still send out your applications.You should get some good news latest between 04/02/2019 -- 06/03/2019 丙 寅 month.

You will see ups and downs in your current TaYun (2017-2026) and in your next TaYun (2027-2036). You must secured a job and there are a few years that you need to stay low and stay put.There are bad people around you,

For this type of BaZi, you must aware which months you should strike (example ask for a raise, invest etc) and which months you must be careful (stay low, talk less etc).


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Feng Shui
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