- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Very Sick (Bazi)

Member since 26/9/2017

I am son of this bazi owner. My mom is very sick since dec 2015 at . Now in the dangerous state.

With her element water, 2016, dragon monkey rat are good. But she was in very bad condition.

I dont see any bad sign with 2016. Rat should be good with monkey and compatible with dragon. trio gives water. It is energy.

But she suffers from bad disease. any possible for recover.? any explanation why trio water bad for her? 




Peter Yap

Strong water self, favors wood and fire.

2015 乙未 strong metal clashed with weak wood - health issues.

2016 丙申 strong water 2X申子辰 (Monkey, Rat, Dragon) water formation clashed with fire - another bad year.
吉凶 good/bad based on 生克 produce/suppress of the 5 elements and not based on 神杀 ShenSha like what you put it here "Rat should be good with monkey and compatible with dragon". In BaZi, friends or no friends when they destined to clash, clash will happen. But the severity is different. It was more like 2 gangs of 申子辰 (Monkey, Rat, Dragon) who brought water with them and extinguished her favorable fire. Was a very bad year for her. This could have break her chart.

2017 丁酉 strong metal clashed with wood - also bad.



I must call you the best and best master in this bazi world.

I have seen many web many sites about bazi. Everybody is f***ing lies. Bad analysis. Bad accuracy. Only want money.

I am searching many web and no one can interpret in accurate. I met master from taiwan, from singapore. Useless. I paid very expensive, 1 consultation charges in USD 1.000 for 1 hour and some of them 2000 Usd. But bad analysis. They dont know bazi.

Yesterday, i was told about this site. i am curious. I just laid my case here about my mother. And result is great.

My mother has passed away 26 des 2016. Yes it is true 2016, her chart has broken!!!!!!!!!. 

Only u can do this.

I am apologizing for test case written. I am apologize.

I will purchase your service soon.

Best master !!!!! 

Peter Yap

Sorry to hear that.

26 dec 2016, 午day in 庚子 month another rat which mean another 申子辰 (Monkey, Rat, Dragon), now there was 3 X   申子辰 water formation with 午day another water fire clashed.

BaZi is a lifelong learning process. I am still learning.



Master, can i conclude if the chart is breaking, then someone will die?

Any criteria why one chart will be break?



Peter Yap

“Break” 破局 when all useful Ten Gods 用神 and favorable Ten Gods 喜神 are killed. When someone die, for sure there is indications. But with indications does not necessary mean death. With our current advanced medical science and with proper care and support, one might be able to escape death. 

Our luck depends on three things. 天地人 (heaven, geographical, people). “Heaven” is our BaZi which we cannot changed. “Geographical” is where you live. You will have much better chance if you live in a more advanced country with a better healthcare system. “People” is the peoples around you who can provide you with love and support.

This also mean when you see your future with these indications, you are more prepared. Start a healthy lifestyle, try to cut down on stress, routine checkups all these help.

One more thing. You have to look at your BaZi in a 3-dimensional space where branches support stems not the same with Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数) which is flat. “Break” 破局 only when all useful Ten Gods 用神 and favorable Ten Gods 喜神 are "killed" and not "gone". "Gone" here mean being combined, taken away and escape being suppressed and killed. "Gone" go into hiding and escape being brutally killed.  After they are "gone" and there is no more clash, no killing, it will just be a stable year 平年. But if there is still clashes it can be more severe, it can also break the chart.



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