- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Chou Si You Combination (Bad Qisha)? (Feng Shui)

Member since 13/9/2017


I study bazi for 1 year and i like it.

Browse your website is great !!!

I have 1 friend now in worry, about his combination Chou Si You (metal?).

He born 16 May 19*, 17.35 pm, male. His day master Yi wood. and 2017, triple chou si you come into his life.

And now he had very sick. how is this triple affect his health? he sick since last year 2016 bing shen year.

This combination can kill him?

Cia S.

Peter Yap

Weak wood without water and with With 巳酉丑, a problematic chart. With 巳酉丑 metal formation in his BaZi chart, even unable to transform is a hidden calamity and become reality once they are able to transform. 2010 TaYun 壬寅 RenYin, 丁壬 combined wood, wood become stronger but again without water, once 巳酉丑 metal formation transform, and the 2 main forces, wood and metal will clash.

2017 丁酉 year, another 丁壬 combined wood, wood is very strong. This month 己酉 (7 sept-8 Oct) another 巳酉丑 metal formation. Now altogether 3 X巳酉丑 metal formations and once they transforms, it can be bad. When these 巳酉丑 metal formations can transform? These has happened in 2016. Next month 庚戌 is also not very good.

3 X 巳酉丑 metal formations can break this chart but there is always hope. 

This is another evident that we cannot based on single Ten Gods or element to say it is good. 壬寅 TaYun, 丁酉 year (丁壬 combined wood), wood is his good element. From the star Ten Gods 十神 Wood alone it is good but when it come into the whole picture it is not good because of the clash.



Such a detail explanation.

He got colon cancer last year spread to liver cancer stadium 4.

Ba zi could be very exact.

Thank you master Peter

Peter Yap

Sorry to hear that.


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