- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Wealth or Debt Star (Feng Shui)

Member since 11/9/2017

Halo Master,

Just curious and wondering.

I am Female. 1 **** 19**, **. (GMT +7). * do not put your birth detail.

Javanese Indonesian.

In my bazi. I have many waters. 

Year : water, combined month and year also water.

hour : water rat.

All water. 

is this true debt star?







Peter Yap

Water does not represent your debt. Your money spending come from your TaYun.
There are a couple of years that you need to be extra careful with your health and money.

For strong 旺 or Cong 从 self, wealth stars 财才 represent your wealth but rob wealth 劫比 by themselves alone are not your poor stars.
It is bad only when rob wealth 劫比
clash and suppress your wealth star 财才 then it is when you are poorer and only then you can consider them as your money speeding/losing or as you put it, your debt stars.

In BaZi, never interpret directly what the stars represent for example see 财才 (water) as rich and see 劫比 (earth) as poor, 伤食 is clever and 印卩 is stupid. Even without 
伤食 or without 印卩, he or she will not be  stupid. When one with both 财 and 劫 he is poor and he is rich! when one with and also with 印 he is clever at the same time he is also stupid!! This doesn't sound right.

For example in one particular year when you see with strong 劫比 sitting on 劫比, you cannot immediately and directly say that you are going to lose a lot of money and have a lot of debt or health issues. It only  bad when 劫比 (earth) are able to injure or kill your 财才 (water). It can be small spending, big spending, and spending not necessary a bad thing. It can be used to generate more money.
All these can be seen from 生克.
生sheng - produce, 克 ke - suppress





Terima kasih.

Just one more thing.

I came from rich family. After marriage, my husband is very stingy. I have to pay almost all of my own expenses. Luckily i was good on my own business with the help of my parents.

I have a great number of money. And i have to support my husband !!

My question

I am weak or strong day master?

Terima kasih

Peter Yap

Not weak and not strong. You are what we called Cong 从 - extreme weak  Wealth structure 从财格. Water is your 财才 your wealth stars.  You are family business rich and yes you need to pay for your own expenses.


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Feng Shui
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