- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Chart combinations - change strength? (Bazi)

Member since 28/8/2013

 Hello to you master Peter. 

I have been reading upon Bazi for a long time now, and combinations interest me a lot.  I've seen so many charts now that combinations really make things change. Combination onto spouse palace can mean person getting married or into relationship. Combination onto hour pillar can mean a child being born, person moves houses or changes in career/job. Combinations onto MP can mean changes for parents or siblings, or indicate their leaving. 

Anyway - I would like to ask you as an experienced Bazi reader about two different charts that would have different structure and might have different strength and have a different reading if combinations are taken into account. 

Chart nr. 1

Ding   Yi    Ding   Ren

Hai   Chou   Wei   Zi


Now most people would say this is a weak Yi DM. But I want to ask you, what if you take the hour pillar heavenly combination, stem combines with HHS Ren in Hai - making HP into a full wood pillar. The other Ding in MP combines into wood with Ren in YP. Hai-Zi-Chou make a full water combination. That would leave this DM pretty strong. Also, the Yi wood has rooting earth to grow in. What do you have to say about this chart with those combinations in mind?


Chart nr. 2.

Wu    Bing    Ding   Ren

Zi     Yin       Wei     Zi

As you can see, this is is a chart also makes combinations. 

There is the Ding Ren combintation into wood. There is also a Wu Gui combination at HP. Do they change the strength of the DM. 

What do you think all those combinations would mean for those people? Both women going through their LP of Gui Mao now. 


Another technical question about combinations. If an element is "occupied" in a combination, like f.ex. Ding Ren, and then another Ren comes along on current year, does that Ren also combine with Ding, or would that Ren have to "stand alone". And when elements or branches are occupied into combinations, would they also clash with elements beside them or elements entering LP or current year pillar?  For both women - how would you suspect their Gui Mao LP would be in career? Please do look at the combinations that the LP makes onto the charts. 

Which one of these women is more likely to have a husband she met in year Ding Hai and "married" and had a child with him in 2009 and another child in 2010?


Thank you very much for looking into this if you have time. 

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