- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Direct Officers & 7 Killings (Bazi)

Member since 9/1/2013

Hi, I heard that if there is no direct officer or 7 killing in the bazi chart then it is difficult to get marry or late marriage. However my friend who doesn't have any Direct Officer or 7 Killing in her Bazi Chart or in the 10 luck year pillars are already happilly married with 2 cute sons. I have both Direct officer and 7 killing in my Bazi chart and also Direct officer in my 3rd luck years but are still single and are unable to find a suitable partner. Can you please help me understand direct officer and 7 killing better. Thankyou

Friend: 01/01/1984 5am

Mine: 13/09/1984 3am





Master Peter

Having many direct officers and "Qi-Sha" do not guarantee good marriage. You have to see the condition of them for example if they are strong, have protection but have major clashes there might be many obstacles in your way.

In contrast, without direct officers and "Qi-Sha" does not necessary means failuer in marriage. For example, when your BaZi prvovide support for your spouse star, and when they appears your love luck is here. For some, without direct officers and "Qi-Sha can also means their marriage are more stable.

You also have to look at your spouse palace.



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Feng Shui
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